It is a product to generate district and National tax returns that runs directly on SAP-ECC. The basic version of the product includes the generation of ICA declarations and ICA Retention by municipality (generic format). The advanced version includes VAT declaration and Withholding TAX and the professional version includes the income tax return annexes and the income tax return Format 110.
Allows you to adapt accounts accounting and cost centers for each form, allowing precise adjustment to the needs of presentation of information.
Simplifies the process of configuration and update of data through loading tables from flat files.
Allows you to create forms specific according to society, exercise, country and municipality, adjusting the presentation of data according to requirements.
Allows you to analyze data by company, year, country, municipality, cost center and accounting account for clarity in reports.
- It is an information system that allows for each form, company, fiscal year and municipality, parameterize the accounting accounts and the cost for the presentation of the required information.
- The selection of information will be made based on the parameterization for each line according to the form to be presented.
- Parameterization tables can be loaded from flat files.
- The system extracts data for the form lines, it is completely parameterizable by the user. Allows you to build forms by company, exercise, country and municipality.
- The system allows the user to extract information by parameterizing each line of forms by company, fiscal year, country, municipality and declaration, using the combination of cost center and account.
- Allows you to see details by Company, fiscal year, country, municipality, cost center and accounting account of the lines to be reported in the forms, facilitating reconciliation with the SAP standard.
- It also allows you to view the information summarized by the lines to be reported in the forms to be presented.
new versions
The system generates the different forms to be presented (Currently ICA and Reteica).
- Generate Form 300 declaration VAT (Available June 2023).
- Generate Annexes to the Declaration of Rent (Available August 2023).
- Generate form 110 declaration of Income and complementary (December 2023).